Saxophone Forum

by sbn567
(7 posts)
9 years ago

My new reeds sound airy and spitty.

My new reeds sound airy and spitty. My older ones (which come from the same box) sound just fine.

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  1. by Gi0_612
    (4 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: My new reeds sound airy and spitty.

    either the strength of the reeds is too strong or you need to like sort of break them in I had the same problem with my clarinet and sax I played on 2 1/2 then went to 3 1/2 and I just had to use the reeds for a while and now they sound just fine hope it helps

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  2. by Maestro.58
    (9 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: My new reeds sound airy and spitty.

    Manufacturers say that their reeds play great right out of the box - they lie!  The reeds need to be sanded down using 400-600 grit sand paper.  There is some instruction required on how to do this.  If you are interested, please respond.

    Best Wishes,


    Robert E. Schuenemann

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