Teacher: Ricardo Martinez
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Location Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
State/Province Indiana
Country United States
Affiliation Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
Years Playing 19
Years Teaching 10
References https://takelessons.com/profile/ricardo-m11
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
San Jose Wind Symphony
University of Minnesota
North American Saxophone Alliance
Music Teachers National Association
Student Preferences I offer saxophone lessons for beginning through advanced students. I also offer flute and clarinet lessons for beginning and intermediate students. My curriculum is open to fit the unique interests and needs of each student. Whether it be someone returning to the instrument after years away from playing or the absolute beginner, I have a great passion for music and my instrument, and take joy and pride in passing along the art to my students. As a teacher, I am patient and I enjoy teaching all ages of children and adults.
Available Times Please contact me to set up a lesson date/time.
Hourly Rate 40.00
Phone 812-369-5460
Other Comments martinezsax.com

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