Saxophone Forum

by SaxGirlChlo
(4 posts)
18 years ago

Call me crazy....

Ok so like for the past month I've noticed this annoying problem and I think I'm losing my mind or something...Whenever I'm playing like, pretty loud on a middle E (and F but not as bad) I keep hearing like...a lower note coming out that sounds an octave lower. I've tried different mouthpieces and reeds and it doesn't do anything. I thought it was a leak maybe but I can pretty much whisper a low Bb out... But the crazy thing is it seems like I'M the only one that can hear it. I let my friend try it and he said he can "kind of" hear it. Any tips on stuff to check for? P.S. I did try it on another horn and it doesn't do it so I don't think it's me :-(

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  1. by MarkLavelle
    (300 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Call me crazy....

    OK, you're crazy! ;-) Now that we have that taken care of, perhaps it's some kind of resonance with your head? Does it matter whether your mouthpiece has a soft pad/cushion on top? It's also possible something else in the room is resonating with the horn, so try taking it outside or something like that...

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    1. by CountSpatula
      (602 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Call me crazy....

      I notice it anywhere. I hear it on my Serie III but not on my YAS-23, I hear it with any mouthpiece on my III but not on my YAS-23...x_x I think I am crazy or something... Maybe I should just take it to the music store whenever they're suppose to open...argh.

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      1. by CountSpatula
        (602 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Call me crazy....

        By the way the guy at Tenor Madness told me that it could be caused by a "Dirty octave vent." Maybe that would fix both our problems...

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