Saxophone Forum

by jinhyung.ahn
(6 posts)
18 years ago

Ear Training

Anyone know the best book/technique to use for ear training? I think I saw a Jamey Aebersold Ear Training book, is it good? are there any better? thanks

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  1. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Ear Training

    Kristy will probably read this post and help you. She is the go to person for this stuff. KRISTY help!!!!! :) Terry

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    1. by The Insomniac Saxman
      (141 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Ear Training

      There's an excellent book by Dr. Thom Mason which is geared specifically for jazz entitled "The Art of Hearing." It applies solfege techniques to jazz applications. Check it out.

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      1. by knorter
        (205 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Ear Training

        Aebersold wrote a good book for beginning ear training. David Baker's ear training series is for more advanced-I'm not sure if it's available in mass production or if it was just a torture device for his students at IU. If nothing else, the Aebersold web page is a good source for many ear training books. Most of them come with CD's. Pick the one that looks like it fits your needs. If you are self motivated pair up with a friend, have the friend play one random note on a keyboard or their instrument. Sing the note then find it. If you do this as often as possible you will get good at this. Once you have a good track record with single note, then have your friend play 2 or 3 notes.

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    2. by caduceus.2002
      (3 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Ear Training

      Agree with the Aebersold suggestion. It's a good place to start. I think David Baker's stuff is excellent. Of course, nothing beats simply transcribing solos for teaching yourself to listen and dissect the music. And you can do that without any books or instructional stuff. Learn to sing along to a Miles solo such as any one of his numerous recordings of 'Straight, No Chaser', then once you can sing it, try to write it down when singing it - don't just peck around for the notes.

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      1. by rg3000
        (1 post)

        18 years ago

        Re: Ear Training

        There are a couple of free online ear training tools at the links below which can help you learn intervals and chords. There's also call-and-response random melody generation. Ear trainer: Another good way to improve your ear is to try playing simple songs by ear. Here's a song randomizer to help with that: Regards, -Rick

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