Saxophone Forum

by YanagisawA-901
(312 posts)
20 years ago

stuffy high A

hey, i have a yani 901 as u guys probably know.. im startin to get good tone out of it now, but my high A is pretty stuffy sounding compared to my friend whos a senior and he has the same exact sax and setup as me. is it cuz of airflow?? or his way of playin?? i think its cuz of my octave hole, i think its stuffy, i have a neck cleaner, but should i clean it more often??

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  1. by golferguy675
    (600 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: stuffy high A

    Yeah, definetly sounds like the octave pad. But a different one. Play high G to A, and you will notice another key that moves that's by the neck screw. There's probably gunk in there. Try folding up a dollar bill, putting it in there, close the pad, and pull it through.

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  2. by Sax Mom
    (964 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: stuffy high A

    Ask your friend to put his mouthpiece on your horn and play the high A, see if it sounds stuffy when he plays it as well. Then at least you will know if it's the horn or the way it is played.

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