Saxophone Forum

by karebear1012
(395 posts)
20 years ago

Realllly high A

in jazz band this year, the last note of one of the songs is the really high A. not the one that is 1-2 octave key. the one above that. it have the fingering on the music, but i can't make a sound out of it. how do you play it? what is your fingering for it? thanks, kara

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  1. by YanagisawA-901
    (312 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Realllly high A

    its kinda like playin a high f# on a mark iv...they dont have a high f#, so theres either an alternate fingering which then u need to support from .................. and just really blow it out and itll eventually get easier and easier... at least thats how i was tought, or if theres no fingering for it then u need to like bend ur way up to it with over tones adn stuff i think... right?? (-Edited for readability by Saxquest administration on 9/19/2004 11:41:44 AM)

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  2. by hselmer9966
    (31 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Realllly high A

    my sure fire way for an A is all 3 right hand keys and you middle and ring fingers on the left (of course the octave) this was the first fingering i learned and there is also the overtone series, but i would stick with the first one. hope it helps. good luck in jazz band

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    1. by spottspidermunki
      (55 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Realllly high A

      the A ur talkin about is reffered 2 as the altissimo A. the fingerings vary between alto and tenor, so if u could specify as to which one u play, we'd all be able to help u much more. Joel

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      1. by karebear1012
        (395 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Realllly high A

        sorry...i play the alto thanks, kara

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        1. by bjemike
          (7 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Realllly high A

          yeah.....then yanigasawa901's fingering works

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        2. by SelmerParisPassion
          (59 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Realllly high A

          The fingering I first used (and still use) is |x23 |123. Hope you get it soon. Out of curiosity, what song is it? Christie J

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        3. by Saxman2200
          (64 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Realllly high A

          Even with the fingering though, make sure you do it the right way. Don't change your embochure, any change should be in the throat. Before you start in to the altissimo range try fingering a low note (like start on a Bb) and try to hit all the overtone series, (without changing embouchure, or fingering except for the octive key use that at will) like if you start on Bb it will be Bb F Bb F and just keep jumping higher till everyone complains about you squeking(don't listen to them every sax player who get's into altissimo has to deal with it). After a while try to get to the point where you can play charge. One more tip, don't alway's use the same fingering, there are many many altissimo fingering's, and they are all for different occasions (like the one I got stuck into using at first was Octive |X23|XXX|) Just try to find a chart with all the good fingerings, and practice all of them. You never know when an alternate will come in handy.

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        4. by karebear1012
          (395 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Realllly high A

          oh jeez..i can't remember what the song name was...last monday was our first rehearsal. I think it was Louisiana Bebop or something. I'll let you know on Tuesday after my rehearsal. Cya, kara

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        5. by chiamac
          (586 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Realllly high A

          why is your director having you play a chart that you "can't" play? sure it's ok for pratice, but I hope they are seriously considering this for a concert or anything. Not only do you need to learn how to play this note. You also need to get good enough to hit it 100% of the time, with a strong tone, and under pressure (good song). I'm all for setting goals and working for things, but goals are differnt for a concert setting. In my opinon I would want my band (if I had one) to play something they can do and are capible of. I would find a chart that challenged my players, but was well with in their ability. Hell yeah I would challenge a player with new fingerings and notes, but I woudln't expect them use that for a concert right away, I would give it almost a year.

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        6. by blog234
          (14 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Realllly high A

          how ya play the high A on the tenor?

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        7. by Hexaclon
          (90 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Realllly high A

          Hey blog234, I play it with this fingering: 2,3 and octave key.

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