Saxophone Forum

by caleb97kim
(3 posts)
12 years ago

Is this rust on my Sax??

Hello everyone,

This is my first post and I wanted to know what the brown spots are on my saxophone...

They look like rust to me but I heard that brass can't rust.... By the way, the saxophone is gold lacquered.

Any thoughts? If so, are there any means as to removing these "spots" ???

Below are some pictures of the brown spots on my sax.


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  1. by Zaxman
    (31 posts)

    12 years ago

    Re: Is this rust on my Sax??

    That is a very good question but dont worry because it is not rust and it is not harmful to your instrument.  Those spots are most commonly referred to as acid bleed. Acid bleed is the result of a horn not being fully degreased and having the lacquer sprayed over an area of the brass that is not perfectly clean. More or less it means that there was a small imperfection in the finishing process of the insturment. This is a common occurrence with quite a few modern manufactures.  The good news is that aside from the way it looks it does not have any negative effect on your saxophone.

    Reply To Post Yahoo!

    1. by caleb97kim
      (3 posts)

      12 years ago

      Re: Is this rust on my Sax??

      Okay, pheww.. Thanks!

      Also, is there any way to "get rid" or "cover" the acid bleed? Can I use some kind of saxophone brass paint??

      I'm just glad it's not rust...

      Anyways, thanks a lot! 

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      1. by saxgourmet
        (127 posts)

        12 years ago

        Re: Is this rust on my Sax??

        no, it's not's the copper leaching out of the brass alloy.....that's why it's red......the basic alloy that is used to construct your horn is breaking must completely remove it and completely clean the area where it's happening in order to stop it....if you do not stop it it will spread

        New Orleans

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        1. by caleb97kim
          (3 posts)

          12 years ago

          Re: Is this rust on my Sax??

          Oh, okay.

          So how do I go about removing this?

          Can I do it myself, or should I take it to a sax technician?

          Thank you 

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        2. by saxgourmet
          (127 posts)

          12 years ago

          Re: Is this rust on my Sax??

          if it's UNDER the lacquer, which it often is, you will have to remove the lacquer first....then clean and polish with Flitz brand metal polish.....then relacquer

          if you don't know how to remove and ultimately replace the lacquer yourself, take it someone who does

          New Orleans

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