Saxophone Forum

by warden
(2 posts)
20 years ago

Mouth Piece Cleaning

I have a Jupiter Alto Sax with a Royal mouth piece that was stored away for some time. On pulling it out the other day I noticed the mouth piece had gone from black to green. Thinking I may not have cleaned it and it was mould or similar, I put it in hot water and soap, but it stayed green. I can't scratch off the green or scrub it off, it seems to be the actual material thats changed color, not something caused by lack of cleaning etc. Any ideas on how to fix this . I bought a cheap mouth piece as a replacement, but its just not the same :(

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Mouth Piece Cleaning

    The greeness wont hurt it one bit, it is what happens to HR mouthpieces. Its just a bit of oxidation; try vinegar to blacken it again, that works sometimes. And next time, dont use hot water to clean it, use nothin hotter tan lukewarm.

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    1. by warden
      (2 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Mouth Piece Cleaning

      I'll give that a go today, thanks for that. While its probably not a great mouthpiece, its better than the $15 stand in.

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