Saxophone Forum

by mojocoggo
(97 posts)
20 years ago

Best new Baritone

I would like to get some opinions on what is the best new baritone sax on the market right now. I am looking at the Yamaha YBS-62 (in silver... it says they make it in silver plate on Yamaha's website but I have yet to hear of one or see one), the Yanagisawa B-901 or B-902 (also in silver), or maybe a Keilwerth SX90(R). I plan to use this sax through college so I want to get a professional, well built model. I'm not digging the Selmer Series II...

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Best new Baritone

    the Yamaha YBS 62 is a great sax, but I'm a little partial to the Keilwerth SX90 and SX90R. They both play great and have very good intonation, but I like the sound of the Keilwerth. Jim

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  2. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Best new Baritone

    i wouldnt go with the yani 901 or 902. dont get me wrong, yanis are great horns, but yo u gotta go with the 991

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    1. by connsaxman_jim
      (2336 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Best new Baritone

      The Yani's play great, and the quality is very good, but I just don't care for the sound as much. With the right set-up they can sound pretty good, I guess, but I especially like the sound of the Keilwerth for the type of music I play. The Yamaha is a more neutral sound. They are also a very good quality horn, and they can really scream with the right set up. All three are great horns. I would try them all and pick the one that suits you best!

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      1. by barisax999
        (400 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Best new Baritone

        the best thing that yani makes for baritone is the nickel plated jazz mouthpiece. slap that on with an oleg ligature and its sweet. it costs a pretty penny, but worth it.

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        1. by mojocoggo
          (97 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Best new Baritone

          Great... Now I just gotta find a music store around that has all or any of these horns in stock :-D

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        2. by ameetp
          (14 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Best new Baritone

          Yamaha YBS-62. Definitley. Or you could wait for the Selmer Paris Serie III Baritone, coming out later this year...or the Yamaha Custom Bari, (unknown).

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        3. by ice738
          (1 post)

          20 years ago

          Re: Best new Baritone

          selmers coming out with a series III Bari???? ive played both the yani and the yamaha and they both sound great, i definitely echo what was said above and take a look at all of them and try them out and see which one fits the type of sound you are looking for haven't tried the selmer before, surprised to hear they are coming out with a series III, but defintely looking forward to it

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        4. by SaxMan
          (559 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Best new Baritone

          what ever you do, do NOT get the YBS-62 - that thing is NOT a professional instrument, and is almost just as much as the series II bari. I keep trying to get away from these damn forums, but I just had to say something here, when I was searching the internet for information about the III bari. anyways, a buescher BU-6 plays better than the yamaha 62 bari, as does the BS500. two student model baris that both are less than 3000 dollars - though the BU-6 is no longer availiable.

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