Saxophone Forum

by TonyR
(2 posts)
5 years ago

G'day from Tony!

Hi all at

I'm Tony and live in Sydney, Australia. I'm getting back to playing music after quite a break. An old school buddy has an Armstrong tenor sax he no longer plays and said I could have it (for a case of beer!). Used to play tenor sax, but started on clarinet (have a Selmer being overhauled at the moment). The  Armstrong sax mey need a service, new pads etc, we'll see.

Favourite music is jazz of all genres, and there are a few venues (not many) supporting live jazz in Sydney I regularly go to.

Anyway, thanks again for inviting me to your forum.


Tony Russell

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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    5 years ago

    Re: G'day from Tony!

    Welcome aboard.  A tenor sax for a case of beer sounds like a great deal.  I took a long break from playing, but decided to start again a couple of years before retirement.  Best thing I did!  Really enjoying playing.  I hope you have the same experience.  Cheers!

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    1. by TonyR
      (2 posts)

      5 years ago

      Re: G'day from Tony!

      Thanks Jim

      Yeah, got my work cut out for me, re-learning clarinet AND saxophone! But, like you I'm really looking forward to getting back into it, hope my neighbours don't mind too much haha!

      Cheers, Tony

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      1. by mijderf
        (282 posts)

        5 years ago

        Re: G'day from Tony!

        When I got back to clarinet, I found that my fingers had gotten fatter and it presented a challenge to cleanly cover the key holes and not hit keys like the alt keys between the 2nd and 3rd fingers of each hand.  I found that I needed to arch my fingers a little more than normal.  I hope you don't have this problem, since it is frustrating until you put in enough practice time.

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