Saxophone Forum

by AlexEik
(11 posts)
4 years ago

Stage fright/nervousness

So basically I just get super nervous when playing by myself infront of people. Its gets the point where I start shaking and eventually mess up. Its really frustrating because I know I can play these solos but i look like a complete idiot when its my time to play them. Whats weird is that I get more nervous in my class at school then at gigs. Not sure why, maybe i feel more relaxed at gigs. I know the answer to this problem is really just to play in front of people enough to overcome the fear but any tips or advice would be nice. Seems I'm the only one in my band who gets nervous during solos.

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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: Stage fright/nervousness

    I think that the key to this issue is your statement, "I know I can play these solos but I look like a complete idiot when its my time to play them."  It sounds like you are focusing on you, and how your will appear to your audience.  Instead try to think only of the music, and how you want the phrasing and tone to sound.  You need to make your solo less about you, and more about the music.  Just focus on making your solo blend coherently with your group.  A side benefit is that your fellow musicians will notice, and generally, their playing will often improve as well.  Then you will realize that the music you are playing is as much for the you and your bandmates as it is for the audience.

    Hope this helps!

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