Saxophone Forum

by MarkLavelle
(300 posts)
19 years ago

repad questions

I'm contemplating a 'Leblanc Vito Alto, circa 1975' being sold locally by its 2nd owner (who got it when it was a few years old and has apparently not played it much for a quite a while). The owner says it definitely needs new pads but 'otherwise a beaut.' They're asking for $220. I'll probably take a look at it in the next few days, but I'd like to get some idea whether you folks think it'd be worth the effort. It would be a 1st sax for my daughter, who plays oboe and a little flute already. 1. Am I correct in assuming that this is a student-level sax? 2. How much should I expect to pay for a re-pad? 3. Assuming it is in otherwise very good mechanical condition, do you think $220 + re-pad is agood idea, or should I just spend $500 on a used YAS-23?

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: repad questions

    I would pay for the yamaha, partially because it is one of the best student horns available, and being a yamaha it will still have a good value if (god forbid) your daughter decides not to play anymore

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    1. by MarkLavelle
      (300 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: repad questions

      Thanks. I was starting to lean that way on my own, since I've got the distinct impression the Vito+repad would cost at *least* as much (and I suspect still not as good as a fairly recent YAS-23). *If* my daughter loses interest, I'll just reclaim it for myself! ;-)

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    2. by bodiddley
      (1 post)

      19 years ago

      Re: repad questions

      I have a tenor sax that needs new pads. Can I replace them myself, where can I purchase them, what kind of glue or do they self-adhere? Must I have this done professionally and what should I expect to pay? If I decide to sell this instrument what price should I list it for? The instrument seems to be in very good condition other than needs the pads (whole set). . The instrument is a King 613. Thanks.

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      1. by Sax Mom
        (964 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: repad questions

        Welcome to the forum. Do you not play the saxophone? King is generally a very good brand for Saxophone. If it were mine, and it needed an entire repad, I'd pay a professional to do. The pads do not self-adnere, but there are a couple of different options. Plus, you can't just stick the pad in there and call it good. It has to be at precisely the right angle to seal against the tonehole. Sometimes key adjustments are needed. Though the King is generally a very good horn, the market does not always reward that. If you find the right buyer, you might obtain a decent amount. But I believe the horn is worth more than what you are likely to get for it. As for what a repad job costs, I don't know.

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      2. by Tbone
        (120 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: repad questions

        The King 613 should not be confused with the Kings of yesteryear! The 613's are a foreign made entry level student horn and should be treated as such. I've seen a few decent examples and also seen some that were total garbage. It may be a good candidate for you to learn sax repair on by repadding yourself Bodiddley. Try for pads, tools, supplies, etc.

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        1. by definition
          (963 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: repad questions

          Tbone - 613s that are foreign made is a new thing. If this horn needs repadded I highly doubt that it is one of these imports. The 613 is one of the better student horns available when properly adjusted(like any sax being used should be) and is definitely worth the money to repad and play. Just know that you will not make a signifigant amount over what you spend fixing it if you plan to sell it. I will second Tbone's suggestion that If you are intrested in learning sax repair, this is a good horn to start on. check out music medic's site like he mentioned, and also google and find ferree's tools for anything you cant get from Curt at Music Medic. Also it will behoove(sp?) you to talk with your tech for tips and advice etc if you are intrested in this project Hope this helps!

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        2. by definition
          (963 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: repad questions

          Sorry didnt complete my thought for the begining part of my last post Tbone - to the best of my knowledge after UMI bought the King company, they never actually imported saxes, they were american made horns at the UMI factory. Of course there is always a chance that it is a REAL Cleveland horn - H. N. White actually did buy out a company called the cleveland band isnt Co. or something of that nature in the 30s or 40s, and used that name to produce their student horns - with the model name 613

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        3. by Tbone
          (120 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: repad questions

          I had thought of that Def, but if memory serves me correctly, (being an old fart and all I may be wrong) the old 613's were labeled Cleveland and not King. If it's a post UMI horn then IMHO a pro repad is not in the best interest of one's wallet.

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