Saxophone Forum

by AlwaysBored89
(10 posts)
20 years ago

Good Saxes?

Hi. I've been playing the sax for 6 years, since I was in the 4th grade. I have a buffet champon (sorry if I spelled that wrong, I left my sax at school after my marching competition yesterday). It's a good sax. I've goofed off with some of my friends saxes before, and I prefer mine over all of theirs. I like the way it feels better. But over the summer, I started wanting a new and better sax. A friend of mine was looking at guitar stuff on some site, so I started looking at their sax stuff and found a gorgeous silver one, but it cost $2,579.99. Way too much. So, I went to the local music store, the one where I bought the sax I currently have, and explained my situation to the owner, nice guy. He showed me a Yamaha sax, for intermediate players. He let me play it some, and it was niice. But it wasn't silver. I realize color isn't really important, but I really do prefer the color silver over gold/brass. So, time passed, I sorta fell out of the "must have a new one" thing, but yesterday at the marching competition I was at. I saw a gorgeous silver sax, and went back into my "I want a better one" thing. So, I went looking on Ebay for something that'd be nice, pretty, and within my price range ($1000-ish). I don't want a beginner's sax. I'm conceited enough about my ability on the sax to know I'm better than a beginner's sax. I found a silver plated pro series monique alto sax that looks nice, but the opening bid on it was $9.99 and I can't find info outside of that page on that sax or anything to know if it's good or what. So, I guess what all this gets down to is: Is that a good sax? And what are some suggested brands? Anyone have a silver one with good sound? And can suggestions please try to stay within my price, cause I don't want my parents to sell my current sax back to the guy I got it from, because I really don't want to take a nice expensive sax out into the rain when I have marching band competitions and practices

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  1. by tenor562
    (297 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Good Saxes?

    I assume you tried a 475. It's a really nice horn that towers over the Yamaha 23. If you really want silver, I'd reccomend the Jupiter Artist Alto. I've heard many good things about it, and although I"m not a big fan of the tenor, the alto is supposedly much better. NO MONIQUE!!! You will be soo dissappointed with it. Your Buffet, which is an average sax, will blow that thing to bits in everything. A really good sax tha's in silver is the YAS62IIS, but it's around 1700. I own the tenor version in lacquer, because I don't like the brightness of silver. Good Luck

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    1. by AlwaysBored89
      (10 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Good Saxes?

      I'm honestly not sure what I tried other than an intermediate yamaha. It felt heavier than my current sax, though, and had a fuller sounding tone. I drooled over it for a week after I tried it. I'll take your advice on the monique. But on that Jupiter Artist Alto, what I'm finding results for has gold keys on a silver body, and I prefer a solid color over gold and silver. And yeah, the YAS62II is definately out of my price range, even if I put a few hundred of my own money in with what my parents'll pay, too much. Thanks for your advice!!!

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      1. by tenor562
        (297 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Good Saxes?

        There's this new sax line that I saw in the WWBW Catalog. Selmer Lavoix. Might be just what you're looking for. Probably a very good value. Kessler Music is a great place, so I've heard. 1425, but Selmer saxes are really really good. They're not available yet, but they're stated as an "excellent intermediate sax" Hope this helped, -tenor562

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        1. by AlwaysBored89
          (10 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Good Saxes?

          That looks cool. I'll have to remember to keep an eye out to see what I can about that. Maybe my local music store will get one when they become available... Thanks so much for your help! :)

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        2. by SaxMan
          (559 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Good Saxes?

          You should be able to get a silver antigua for less than both of those - probably will play about the same as the selmer - will be leaps and bounds above the jupiter. It will be more durable than the jupiter, but not the selmer, so you will have to oil it about once every 6 months instead of your standard year.

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        3. by golferguy675
          (600 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Good Saxes?

          I have heard of the Lavoix. I think it's supposed to be their intermediate line, since they never really had one.

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