Saxophone Forum

by YanagisawA-901
(312 posts)
19 years ago

Overtones?? i think this is redundant..

this may be a repost but i figured id go again.. i pretty much know what overtones are, and where they originate from. but how do you develop them? how do u kno to change the tone/pitch to get the tonic, the 5th, the tonic and 5th again and w/e? move ur jaw? airflow? or is it somthing you just do on your own noone can really tell you how to do it? what are the benifits of being able to play overtones? what real purpose do they serve??

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  1. by phathorn
    (165 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Overtones?? i think this is redundant..

    the biggest purpose of mastering the overtone series is the effect it will have on your sound. Your sould will become much larger and fuller after learning to isolate the individual overtones. The only way I know to learn is kinda like learning to ride a bike, just keep at it. Isolating them is achieved through manipulation of the throat and oral cavity, NOT pressure on the reed. Finger a low Bb, and keep trying to get the different overtones. It will annoy the ..... out of everyone, but once you get it once, you'll be able to get it every time. You'll then be able to finger a note, and play bugle calls like 'revele' and 'taps'. Impress your friends! LOL

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