Saxophone Forum

by Saxall
(17 posts)
16 years ago


Pleasure is sure a good thing

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  1. by zarniac
    (2 posts)

    16 years ago

    Re: collectors

    Three premises, none of them supported by argument, all of them completely indefensible. Sniffing cocaine is said to be pleasurable; so is hang-gliding. Are they always a good thing for health? Prostitution is said to be the world's oldest profession. Do you know many prostitutes who went to their graves NOT wishing they had done something else with their lives? I know professional lawyers - successful ones - who wish they had done something else for a living. (I encourage them to become musical instrument collectors.) Finally, why is speculation the worst thing (other than the fact that you seem to have ended up on the short end of someone else's)? What if Alexander Fleming had not speculated that penicillin could be developed into a beneficial drug? What if Adolphe Sax had not speculated that his invention could create a new market in the musical instrument trade? Your propositions are astonishing, to put it mildly.

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