Saxophone Forum

by definition
(963 posts)
20 years ago

Guy Hawkins mpcs

Are these any good? Paticularly the metal tenor ones? How would those of you who have played them compare them to other mpcs sound? thanks in advance.

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  1. by Goldref18
    (145 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Guy Hawkins mpcs

    I don't personally care for metal because i feel that on a consistent basis hard rubber will perform great, and will give you a lot more flexibility. I have never heard of Guy Hawkins, but all i can say is that never buy anything off the internet unless you can return it, and when mpc shopping try multiple of the same make and model so that you know if you like the particularly mouthpiece you get

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    1. by definition
      (963 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Guy Hawkins mpcs

      I know that they are produced and distributed by the jj babbitt company, just like wolf tayne, meyer, and otto link are these days. I was just wonderin if y'all know anything of how they play, or what other mpcs they liken too. Once again, I thank y'all in advance for your help!

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      1. by Goldref18
        (145 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Guy Hawkins mpcs

        Don't say y'all. Try them out. Try different openings and facings and platings and all that good stuff. That's all i can say. Personally i have never heard of that company

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        1. by sax_maniac
          (984 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Guy Hawkins mpcs

          I used to have a Guy Hawkins 8 (maybe 8*?) facing on tenor. Tons of projection. A very bold piece on the 10M (I sold it along with a bunch of other mpcs with the 10M). A good piece for vintage horns as the chamber is wide open, so you'd have better luck with intonation than you might with smaller chambered pieces like the Selmer Paris metals, (though Selmer's USA metals are large chambered with a more pronounced baffle). Fairly high rollover baffle on the Hawkins, I recollect. Nothing too complex or unique about the sound except it could play as loudly as you wanted it to, but that can be attributed to 10M's anyhow. I'm a Vandoren Jumbo Java fan when it comes to jazz. A more complex sound and a bit easier to control - more comfortable to play. They can shred, but they have warmth when you back off, too.

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