Saxophone Forum

by wildangel5
(3 posts)
20 years ago

1960's Conn Saxophone

I have my 1960's purchased Conn saxophone in my basement collecting dust. Is it worth anything dollar wise? I'm thinking of donating it to school music program but am just unsure what to do.

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: 1960's Conn Saxophone

    Depending on what model it is, it could be quite valuable. Email me some pictures if you would like and I will take a look and give you an idea what it might be worth. Is it an alto or a tenor? The serial number would be located on the back near the thumbrest. What is the engraving on the bell?

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    1. by wildangel5
      (3 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: 1960's Conn Saxophone

      It's an alto - serial #C42349. Probably purchased for me in about 1963 or so.

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      1. by connsaxman_jim
        (2336 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: 1960's Conn Saxophone

        It's a 1963 model. There were 2 models of alto saxophone produced by Conn in 1963. The most common is the 14M Director's model. This saxophone has the shooting star design on the bell. The octave key is mounted on the top side of the neck like most traditional saxophones. Also, there were a few 6M altos made. The 6M has the octave key mounted on the bottom side of the neck. The saxophone would be engraved "6M" on the back near the thumb rest. (Most 14M's were not engraved with the model number.) The earlier 6M's featured a topless lady engraved on the bell in a pentagon along with music notes. The lady disappeared in 1959 I believe, and the later models just had the music notes. I have also seen later 6M's with floral engraving similar to some of the Selmer horns of the time, and 6M's with very little engraving at all. The 6M's are worth more; especially the older (pre 1948) ones. A 1963 6M in good condition would be worth $900-$1100. A 14M director's model in good condition would be worth $450-$600.

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        1. by wildangel5
          (3 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: 1960's Conn Saxophone

          It does have the 6M on it. I don't know what "good" condition would definitely needs new pads, not having been played in 30 years. Has some dings and scratches. Case is a mess. Where does one even go about selling it? I don't want to do the eBay route.

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