Saxophone Forum

by StrattonSax
(3 posts)
7 years ago

JodyJazz Power Ring

Hey guys and gals! I want to try a JodyJazz Power Ring but I want to know if anyone has tried one on a mouthpiece other than a JodyJazz? I have a NY Link and I was curious if it would fit it? 

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: JodyJazz Power Ring

    The ridge on your Link most likely prevents a good fit.  The New York links are one of the harder to fit mouthpieces because the large chamber puts them beyond the range of some ligs for metal mouthpieces.  I got a good result with a Francois Louis Ultimate on mine, and the price at is comparable to the Power Ring .

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    1. by StrattonSax
      (3 posts)

      7 years ago

      Re: JodyJazz Power Ring

      Thanks so much for the response! I've had the NY Link for about 17 years or so and have been using an Oleg this whole time. It works very well but I've been interested in the Power Ring for a while for the increased vibration it boasts and the look. Function is priority though so I guess this idea is done. 
      Again, thanks so much for the response!

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